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Planning Board - Virtual Public Hearing

Wheatland Municipal Building


The Planning Board of the Town of Wheatland, pursuant to Sections 116-1 and 116-22.B. of the Code of the Town of Wheatland, will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, January 5, 2021 at 7:00 P.M. in the “virtual” Wheatland Municipal Building, Scottsville, NY to consider the following:

  • The application of James H. Missell & Associates as agent for Jack W. Miller, Jr. to seek approval for a (2) lot subdivision to create a separate lot for an existing house and accessory structures on an above-code frontage parcel. The property is located at 2393 North Road and is in an AR-2 Zoning District. The Tax I.D. number 198.03-1-10.

  • The application of James H. Missell & Associates as agent for Jack W. Miller, Jr. to seek approval for a (2) lot subdivision. The property is located at the North West corner of Wheatland Center and Scottsville Mumford Road and is in an AR-2 Zoning District. The Tax I.D. number 198.04-1-10.1.


The Planning Board of the Town of Wheatland, pursuant to Section 130-60.B., of the Code of the Town of Wheatland, will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, January 5, 2021 at 7:00 P.M. in the “virtual” Wheatland Municipal Building, Scottsville, NY to consider the following:

  • The application of Scott A Harter, P.E. as agent for Jack W. Miller, Jr. to seek approval for a modification and expansion of an Existing Special Exception Use and Site Plan for Seasonal Recreational Campground. The property is located at the North West corner of Wheatland Center and Scottsville Mumford Road and is in an AR-2 Zoning District. The proposed is on a portion of current Tax I.D. #198.04-1-10.1 concurrently under subdivision approval.

All interested parties are asked to remotely attend and be heard or to submit written comment to 22 Main St PO Box 15 Scottsville, 14546 or concerning this application. Pursuant to Executive Order 202.1 this meeting will be held remotely via Microsoft Teams. To join meeting please Call +1 585-491-9963 United States, Rochester (Toll) Conference ID: 592 007 847#. To view documents prior to meeting, please call the Town of Wheatland Building Department.

Jay D. Coates, Chairman

Wheatland Planning Board

Dated: December 10, 2020

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