Boards & Commissions
Wheatland Residents are encouraged to participate in our Town
government. The Wheatland Town Board appoints volunteers to
serve on a set of Boards and Commissions which provide an
important public service through their involvement in the local
government decision-making process.
Make a Difference in our Community!
Serving on a Town of Wheatland volunteer Board or Commission is a great way to make a difference in our community, helping ensure that Wheatland continues to be a great place to live, work and visit. Choose from the Recreation Commission, Assessment Review Board, Planning Board or Zoning Board. See Boards and Commissions FAQs for answers to common inquiries.
How to Volunteer for a Position
From time to time, openings occur on one or more of our volunteer Boards and Commissions. When that happens, notices are posted on this Web Site and in local periodicals. If you are interested in participating on any of the town's volunteer boards or commissions, you will need to complete a volunteer application, provide a resume and a letter of interest and submit to the Town Clerk's Office in the Wheatland Municipal Building located at 22 Main St. in Scottsville, New York or mail your information to:
Town of Wheatland
P.O. Box 15
Scottsville, New York, 14546
All applications are reviewed and qualified candidates will be contacted for an interview. If you have questions, please contact the Town Supervisor at (585) 889-1553 extension 300.

Recreation Commission
The Town of Wheatland Recreation Commission serves as an advisory and steering group type of organization, working in close collaboration with the Town Recreation Department to provide for and coordinate enhanced quality of life services, such as recreational and other leisure time programs, activities and events for Town residents and visitors alike. The Commission consists of seven members appointed by the Wheatland Town Board, where the term of membership is three years or until a successor is appointed by the Town Board. A set of Town Board approved By-Laws are used to govern the operation of the Recreation Commission. Meetings minutes are recorded at each Commission meeting.
Commission Members
Meeting Information
Wheatland Municipal Building at 22 Main Street Scottsville, New York

Assessment Review Board
The Town of Wheatland Assessment Review Board serves as the formal review body for Town of Wheatland taxpayers who file grievances regarding the assessment value placed on their property. After hearing the grievance through a formal process, the Assessment Review Board has the authority to accept or deny the taxpayer's grievance. In addition, when accepting an assessment grievance, the Assessment Review Board has the authority to set a new assessment value on the property in question. The Assessment Review Board consists of five members that are appointed by the Town Board and for terms of five years. Meeting minutes are recorded at each Assessment Review Board meeting. Assessment grievance/complaint applications are available in the Assessor's Office.
Board Members
Karina Shumanski-Smith
Jim Kirch
Meeting Information
Annually on the 4th Tuesday in May
Wheatland Municipal Building at 22 Main Street Scottsville, New York

Planning Board
The Town of Wheatland Planning Board reviews all applications for re-zoning, site plan reviews, conditional use permits, and consideration of requests by developers for construction of new subdivisions. The Planning Board's reports and recommendations are often of vital importance in deciding upon a re-zoning request other action. The Planning board consists of seven members appointed by the Wheatland Town Board for seven-year terms. Meeting minutes are recorded at each Board meeting.
Board Members
Jay Coates (Chairperson)
Mike Grasso (Vice-Chairperson)
Eric Stein
Joe Burns
Laura Michaels
Robert B. Hatch
Kane Gascon
Meeting Information
7:00PM - Generally the 1st Tuesday of each month,
with working sessions 3rd Tuesday of each month
Wheatland Municipal Building at 22 Main Street, Scottsville, New York

Zoning Board of Appeals
The Town of Wheatland Zoning Board of Appeals hears appeals from decisions made by the Building Inspector or other administrative officers in the enforcement of the regulations and for the granting of variances from the regulations. The two most important and frequently used powers of the Zoning Board are the granting of variances and the issuance of Temporary and Revocable Use permits. The Zoning board consists of five members appointed by the Wheatland Town Board for seven-year terms, with two alternates. Meeting minutes are recorded at each Board meeting.
Board Members
Mike Grasso (Chairperson)
Joe Burns (Vice Chairperson)
Laura Michaels
Eric Stein
Kane Gascon
Robert B. Hatch (Alternate)
Meeting Information
As Required
Wheatland Municipal Building at 22 Main Street Scottsville, New York