PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Wheatland, County of Monroe, State of New York, will hold a regular meeting of the Town Board on July 16, 2020 commencing at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be in a remote format.
All meetings of the Town Board are open to the public, however, in accordance with Executive Order 202.1 of 2020 issued by Governor Andrew Cuomo in response the Coronavirus COVID 19 crisis, the public will not be permitted to enter the Town Hall office and Town Hall building and instead the meeting will be opened to the public by means of remote audio access by placing a telephone call to 585-491-9963 and using access code 413 041 830#. Please call in 15 minutes prior to the meeting start time.
This access code will permit the public to listen, but not to comment, as this procedure complies with the Open Meeting Law as suspended and amended by the Executive Order. If any member of the public after listening to the audio broadcast of the meeting wishes to submit a comment, he or she may do so by sending the comment in the form of an email to the Town Clerk of the Town of Town of Wheatland at the following email address: townclerk@townofwheatland.org. Any such comments will be considered as correspondence at the next meeting of the Town Board.
This notice is being publicized and posted in accordance with the provisions of Section 104 of the Public Officers Law of the State of New York.
By order of the Town Board of Wheatland
Scottsville, New York
Dated: July 13, 2020
Laurie Czapranski, Town Clerk
Town of Wheatland