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Joint Fire District Public Hearing


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Conference ID: 899 490 221#

Wheatland Municipal Building 6:00 P.M. August 4, 2020

Meeting Agenda

I. Call to Order. Open joint Public Hearing between the Village of Scottsville and Town of Wheatland regarding the establishment of the Wheatland-Scottsville Joint Fire District pursuant to Article 11 and Article 11-a of the Town Law.

II. Salute to the Flag.

III. Roll Call of the Town Board.

IV. Roll Call of the Village Board.

V. Acknowledgement of Posting & Publishing of the Notice of Public Hearing by the Town Clerk.

VI. Acknowledgement of Posting & Publishing of the Notice of Public Hearing by the Village Clerk.

VII. Presentation of the proposal and background material by Town of Wheatland Supervisor.

VIII. Review of SEQRA.

IX. Public Comment Period.

X. Motion to close the Public Hearing by the Town of Wheatland.

XI. Motion to close the Public Hearing by the Village of Scottsville.

XII. SEQRA Determination.

XIII. Motion by Town Board to approve Resolution adopting Environmental Determination.

XIV. Motion to establish the Wheatland-Scottsville Joint Fire District.

XV. Adjournment.

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