Dear Town of Wheatland and Village of Scottsville residents,
As we are all aware, the only constant for the real estate market over the past several years has been an increase in property values. The sales in the Town of Wheatland and Village of Scottsville reflect this change as well.
I have been working to comply with New York State mandates to improve the under-assessed properties identified in our assessment rolls. The outcome of this review update will appear in your mailbox soon.
The purpose of adjusting assessments, as determined by market changes, is to provide a uniform equalized value. The equalized value is to ensure properties of similar value in different taxing jurisdictions (ex. Towns, Villages, School Districts and Fire Districts) are paying their appropriate share of the tax levy. Although New York State's target for the Town of Wheatland is for all properties to be assessed at 100% of market value, the Town of Wheatland is taking a more moderate approach due to the uncertainty of the future real estate market. One important point to note is that a change in assessment may not indicate a rise in property taxes. You may request an informal review of your assessment by contacting me. The letter you will receive with your 2023 assessment notification will include information about the appeal process.
Please contact the Town Assessor, Mike Bonanza, at 889-1553 x105 or email with questions or to set up an informal review of your assessed value.
Regards, Mike Bonanza Assessor Town of Wheatland