The Town of Wheatland has an opportunity for an interested resident to be considered for a seat on the Wheatland Recreation Commission. Serving on this commission is a great way to make a difference in your community by helping to ensure that Wheatland continues to be a great place to live, work and play.
This group serves in an advisory capacity (not decision making) to the Wheatland Town Board. It does this function by working in collaboration with the Town Recreation Director to create, deliver and coordinate quality recreation and leisure time activities and events for Town residents and visitors. The Commission currently consists of seven members appointed by the Wheatland Town Board and each member serves a three-year term. The meetings are generally held once a month for eleven months of the year.

If you are interested in participating on the Wheatland Recreation Commission, please complete a volunteer application available from the Wheatland Town Clerk’s Office or the Town of Wheatland Website, along with a current resume and a letter of interest. Submit this information to the Town Clerk's Office in the Wheatland Municipal Building located at 22 Main St. in Scottsville, New York or mail the information to:
Town of Wheatland
P.O. Box 15
Scottsville, New York, 14546
All applications are reviewed and qualified candidates will be contacted for an interview. If you have questions, please contact the Wheatland Recreation Director at 889-1553 ext. 103.