Town and County Tax Collection will begin on Monday, January 4, 2021. Due to Covid-19 the Municipal Building is currently locked. The payment options are as follows:
Secure Drop Box - A secure drop box has been installed at the Main Street entrance of the Municipal Building. This box will be checked multiple times daily. Please place your tax bill, coupons and payment in an envelope marked with your name and address. A receipt will be mailed to you after the payment is processed.
U.S. Postal Service - When mailing your tax payment, please include your entire bill including coupons and payment. A receipt will be mailed to you after the payment is processed.
In person payment - We prefer the use of the drop box but if you choose to pay at the counter, please call (585) 889-1553 ext. 102 to make an appointment. If we are otherwise engaged, please leave a message including your phone number and we will return your call as soon as we are able.
Online payments can be made through the Monroe County Website Real Property Portal, just follow the prompts.
Laurie Czapranski
Tax Collector