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Virtual Public Hearing - NYS Broadband Study

Broadband Survey

On April 16, 2021, New York enacted the Comprehensive Broadband Connectivity Act of 2021, which directed the Public Service Commission (Commission) to prepare an annual study on the availability, reliability, and cost of high-speed broadband service in New York State. On June 16, 2022, the Commission release its first interactive broadband map and report.

The Commission is currently preparing its annual update to the report and invites public comment regarding the availability, affordability, and adoption of residential and commercial broadband internet access across the State. The purpose of the study is to ensure that all New Yorkers have the necessary affordable access to the internet going forward. Topics for public comment include but are not limited to: locations where broadband service with at least 25 megabits per second (Mbps) downstream and 1 Mbps upstream is not available;locations that provide an internet download speed greater than 25 Mbps but less than 100 Mbps downstream; barriers to access of services such as high costs; locations where there is only one broadband internet service provider; reasons why individuals and businesses do not subscribe to broadband internet where it is available, and reasons why some consumers prefer to use cellular service rather than subscribed to wired or wireless broadband alternatives.  To ensure full public participation, the Commission will hold virtual public statement hearings on March 21, 2023, to solicit input and comments from your community regarding the annual study. Any person wishing to provide a comment at the hearing must pre-register by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, March 17, 2023. Use the links below to register electronically or call 1-800-342-3330 to register by phone. Hearing Date: March 21, 2023

All New York State Residents, whether or not they make statements at the hearings, are strongly encouraged to participate in the Department's data gathering project by completing a broadband speed test and survey. Broadband Speed Test-Survey The enclosed notice provides detailed information on how to participate in the forums and how to submit comments. Information regarding this matter, including a copy of the issues, can be found at From the homepage, click on “Search,” and enter the associated matter number (22-M-0313) in the “Search by Case Number” field.

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