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Wheatland Recreation Survey Opportunity

Summer Camp Program

The Wheatland Recreation Commission is pleased to offer the opportunity for you to participate in a community recreation needs survey. The Commission, working in conjunction with the Town of Wheatland Recreation Department is interested in hearing about your experiences with Wheatland Recreation programs and events and also looking for your ideas for future recreation programs, community recreation facilities and any and all other recreation related suggestions.

Please use the following link to access and complete the Recreation Survey by July, 10, 2022, the survey consists of 10 questions, including places to provide comments and suggestions.

Adult Painting Class

Wheatland Recreation offers programming and event for many ages and a variety of interests. The Recreation Commission would like to provide a thank you in advance to all those who are able to complete the survey. The information received in the survey will be evaluated and used to help Wheatland Recreation continue to be the place where the "fun" happens in our community, allowing our programming and event offerings to best meet the desires and interests across the community.


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