The Planning Board of the Town of Wheatland, pursuant to Sections 116-22 and 130-60.B of the code of the Town of Wheatland, will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, March 16, 2021, at 7:00 P.M. in the “virtual” Wheatland Municipal Building, 22 Main Street, Scottsville, NY to consider the following:
Cypress Creek Renewables, on behalf of Helios Energy New York 4 LLC and Helios Energy New York 11 LLC, for a modification of a Special Exception Use for a large-scale solar energy system in an AR-2 Zoning District. Amended Application includes revised point of interconnection configuration and means of financial security.
Addendum to clarify location:
North west corner of Union Street and Scottsville Mumford Road, approximately 600’ North of Scottsville Mumford Road and 1100’ West of Union Street.
All interested parties are asked to remotely attend and be heard or to submit written comment to 22 Main St PO Box 15 Scottsville, 14546 or building@townofwheatland.org concerning this application. Pursuant to Executive Order 202.1 as extended by Orders Number 202.14, 202.28 and 202.48, as may be and to the extent extended, and due to public health and safety concerns associated with the potential gathering of a large number of individuals who may wish to submit public comment, the public will not be permitted to attend the public meeting in person at the Town Hall. The public will have an opportunity to hear the meeting live and provide comments via the Microsoft Teams meeting format. To join the meeting please CALL +1 585-491-9963 United States, Rochester (Toll) Conference ID 877 069 799#. To view documents prior to the meeting you may make an appointment to come to our office.
Jay Coates, Chairman
Town of Wheatland Planning Board
Dated: February 24, 2021