Dear Monroe County Resident,
Monroe County has the rare opportunity to invest $144 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds received from the Federal Government and we want to know what matters most to you. Thanks to the work of Congressman Joe Morelle and Senators Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand in securing these vital dollars, we have an opportunity to make a meaningful difference in our community.
These funds are time-critical so we need to spend them accordingly. We do not have to start from scratch as we have several existing strategic community reports, authored by non-profit organizations, government and business leaders that detail the needs of our County. In reviewing these documents, we have identified six priority focus areas: Economic Recovery, Infrastructure Improvements, Public Health and Wellness, Public Safety, Sustainability, and Workforce Development. Bring Monroe Back, Monroe County’s Recovery Agenda, will base its funding strategy upon your feedback and the well-researched recommendations of our community leaders and local experts.
Bring Monroe Back Website
ARPA Survey
This last year and a half has been difficult for all of us, but we are continuing to move toward recovery. Together, we have an incredible opportunity to fund areas of need, reinforce what is working, embrace equity and invest in our community so that all can benefit. Your voice matters in helping Monroe County prioritize our needs. Thank you for sharing your insight and suggestions.
Adam J. Bello
County Executive